At any stage of our lives, we may be faced with the need and necessity of caring for dependent family members, with chronic and/or prolonged illness. We are not always prepared to deal with the demands that this challenge entails.
In addition to the anguish, difficulties, uncertainties and change in routines generated by this new situation, taking care of someone close to us implies a level of emotional involvement that can be extremely exhausting, either because we witness the suffering of the other, or because our own fears are activated, as well as the continuous and permanent nature of the support.
In response to the challenges that caregivers face, I propose to accompany them transversely, seeking to prevent and/or minimise the distress that their role causes them, minimising their isolation, training them for their new circumstances and supporting them with practical issues.
What I offer:
Emotional support;
Informative and educational support, in terms of practical strategies and tools to integrate into daily life, both in terms of care provision, self-care strategies, and in the deepening of personal resources;
Practical support in organising and carrying out daily activities and in clarifying doubts;
Bureaucratic support in communication with services, identifying alternatives for social support at the level of the proximity/ and institutional support network;
Continuous support throughout the process;
Spiritual accompaniment. Spiritual needs are always there but usually tend to manifest themselves more pressingly when urgent matters are being dealt with. Spiritual issues relate to finding meaning in what is happening, ways of dealing with suffering and finding peace in the process.